Bad Omens also play with other genres in THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND. The slow “bad decisions” plays out like a pop song with its tone. The new wave-influenced “What do you want from me?” wouldn’t sound too out of place on a HEALTH project, as the track bares a ton of similarities to that band’s style. Should also mention the stronger use of clean vocals on the album, lead singer Noah Sebastian uses a higher voice range throughout the majority of the album. He brings a ton of emotion and catharsis as he croons throughout tracks like “The Grey”.
Lyrically, THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND doesn’t stray too far away from the usual musings of metalcore music. So expect to hear a ton of misanthropy, disappointment, and self-loathing throughout. Noah’s songwriting brings a lot of emotional brevity to the album, which consider to be another hallmark of TDOPOM. Album opener “CONCRETE JUNGLE” sets the stage for the emotional tug-of-war that TDOPOM focuses on. Ideally the strains of both being in/leaving a toxic relationship.
Overall, THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND is a very solid metalcore album, and possibly Bad Omens’ most fully realized album to date. Believe they’ve found their niche here with the album’s extremely catchy choruses and great blend of industrial music and heavy metal.